Where your child starts a beautiful future
By mastering Mathematics with short courses & clear goals.
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Perfect Balance Between Screen and Paper
Every concept of math - beautifully arranged by grade level.
Thousands of Video Lessons
Learning is nothing but very effective communication between a teacher and a student. And, effective communication is all about the body language and tone of a teacher. This is the core belief of our approach.
Hundreds of Printable Worksheets
Our method is very simple. Your child will learn from a video lesson, practice a few problems with the teacher, and then master the topic by practicing on printable worksheets. The most effective way of mastering anything.
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Absolutely No Other Resource Required
Learning a new concept becomes easy when a student finds everything in one plce.
Inside PaperBoar your child will never need any external help. Every course contains every concept that a student needs to know.
Recap Lessons Before a New Topic
We have designed every course in such a way that a student will never have to leave a lesson. If previous knowledge is needed before a new topic, it's included as a "recap" before the real topic.
Audio-Video Explanations of Questions
After learning a new topic, a student will practice that concept fully knowing that there will be an audio-video explanation for that problem. Our pilot run showed that a student needs at max just 5 problems to grasp a complex concept.
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Perfect Resource For Parents
As parents, you know your child the most. You are the best teacher that a child can have.
Sometimes a parent needs the resources and the teaching methods.
Use our lessons as resources and help your child grow to max potential.
Full Curriculum
Teach your child Mathematics fully knowing that every concept, every topic are at your fingertips.
Teaching Method
Watch our teachers - how math logics are related to everyday observation, how math concepts are used in everyday life and then tell your child all about them. It's that easy.
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Affordable for everyone
When we started PaperBoat Academy, we had the goal of making it free.With over ten thousand videos on the platform, it's impossible to do that. But we still want to make it so affordable that it feels free.
We are offering the entire K12 courses for just $10/month for the entire family.
Entire K12 Math at Your Fingertips
For the price of 2 cups of coffee a month!
Entire K12 Math at Your Fingertips
For the price of 1 McDonald meal a month!
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Why PaperBoat Courses are the best
Explore Courses, Video Lessons & Practice Worksheets
Mobile Version
Where Your Child Starts
a Beautiful Future
By mastering Mathematics with
short courses & clear goals
Perfect balance between
screen & Paper
Thousands of Video Lessons
Learning is nothing but very effective communication between a teacher and a student. And, effective communication is all about the body language and tone of a teacher. This is the core belief of our approach.
Hundreds of Printable Worksheets
Our method is very simple - your child will learn a topic from a video lesson, practice a few problems with the teacher, and then master the topic by practicing on printable worksheets. The most effective way of mastering anything.
Absolutely no other resource required
Recap Lessons Before a New Topic
Every course is designed in such a way that a student will never have to leave a lesson. If previous knowledge is needed, it's included as a "recap" before the real topic. Our goal is to make sure that a student will find everything in one page when they are learning a new concept.
Audio-Video Explanations
After learning a new topic, a student will practice that concept fully knowing that there will be an audio-video explanation. Our pilot run showed that a student needs at max of just 5 problems to grasp a complex concept.
perfect resource for parents
Full Curriculum
As parents, you know your child the most. You are the best teacher that a child can have. Sometimes a parent needs the resources and the teaching methods. Use our lessons as resources and help your child grow.
Teaching Methods
Watch our teachers - how math logics are related to everyday observation, how math concepts are used in everyday life and then tell your child all about them. It's that easy.
Affordable for everyone
Entire K-12 Math at your fingertip for the price of just 2 cups of coffee a month.
When we started PaperBoat Academy, we had the goal of making it free. With over ten thousand videos on the platform now, it's impossible to do that. But we still want to make it so affordable that it feels free. We are offering the entire K12 courses for just $10/month for the entire family.
Short Courses & Clear Goals
Long Term Goals
These are our long term goals.
Grade Level Goals
These are the yearly grade-level goals.
Topic Level Goals
These are our course level goals.